Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Welcome to the product of my procrastination

Yep, I'm back blogging again. Lets see how long it lasts this time around. As some of you know, I had a xanga blog a few years ago which I gave up on only after a few months. So what's motivating me to start blogging again? I hear you all ask..... Well, I'm meant to be packing up my room/apartment ready to move to Rockhampton in about a week (MEANT TO being the operative term), but seeing as I really can't be bothered right now, I thought I would be of amusement to others (and myself) by setting up a new blog! Yay for world!!!

I really should've given this idea more thought before I embarked on creating this new blog cos it's taken me about 15mins to write up to here and I blame it on my holiday brain. It hasn't been flogged for over a month now, so I don't even know if it remembers how it was like to work. Add to that all the alcohol & fun stuff it's been swimming in over the same period and enough said.

Okay, that's enought from me for now. This thinking and typing thing is getting too much for me. I think I should've stuck to the boredom of packing things into boxes and saved myself a headache!

Btw, in case you are wondering, it's will-doe (like a female deer) with a silent x and it's not pronounced as it is spelt. It's a nickname the boys in med have given me over the last 2 years and I'm using it cos my other nickname "Willio" is taken. Plus, I think it's time for a bit of a change anyway.


fanny dong said...

welcome to the blogspot world or blogspotting people in the blogspoting club where we have nothin better to do but blogspot :) lets see how long u last :P

steph said...

hehe welcome to the world of blogspot!!! hope this one lasts longer =P